Get Involved

Consultations on the Pre-submission Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan are now closed. If you wish to contact a member of the neighbourhood planning team, please email or call 01736 797840.

Join a Topic Group
The main issue based work is being done by our topic groups. They are looking at existing plans and evidence, talking to Cornwall Council and relevant issue based groups and forming the basis of policy options for the neighbourhood plan.
To find out when they are meeting, go to Calendar and for minutes of previous meetings go to Meeting Notes and Minutes.

We will be holding a number of events throughout the process and this will need people to be available to help at these events. We would like to create a list of people to call on should we need assistance at an event to help them run smoothly.
Please email or call 01736 797840

2 Responses to Get Involved

  1. David Lavery says:

    I am in favour of this plan and would like to see it submitted for Referendum as soon as possible.
    I will be voting YES when that happens. David Lavery

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